Cesium Features - By Category
Cadence/Error |
Description |
all_times_nhist_numpeaks |
Number of peaks (local maxima) in histogram of all possible delta_t’s. |
all_times_nhist_peak1_bin |
Return the (bin) index of the ith largest peak. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak2_bin |
Return the (bin) index of the ith largest peak. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak3_bin |
Return the (bin) index of the ith largest peak. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak4_bin |
Return the (bin) index of the ith largest peak. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_1_to_2 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_1_to_3 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_1_to_4 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_2_to_3 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_2_to_4 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_3_to_4 |
Compute the ratio of the values of the ith and jth largest peaks. Peaks is a list of tuples |
all_times_nhist_peak_val |
Peak value in histogram of all possible delta_t’s. |
avg_double_to_single_step |
Mean value of ratios (t[i+2] - t[i]) / (t[i+2] - t[i+1]). |
avg_err |
Mean of the error estimates. |
avgt |
Mean of the time values. |
cad_probs_1 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_10 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_20 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_30 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_40 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_50 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_100 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_500 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_1000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_5000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_10000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_50000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_100000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_500000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_1000000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_5000000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cad_probs_10000000 |
Given the observed distribution of time lags cads, compute the probability that the next observation occurs within time minutes of an arbitrary epoch. |
cads_avg |
Mean value of cads (discrete difference between times). |
cads_kurtosis |
Kurtosis of cads (discrete difference between times). |
cads_med |
Median value of cads (discrete difference between times). |
cads_skew |
Skew of cads (discrete difference between times). |
cads_std |
Standard deviation of cads (discrete difference between times). |
mean |
Mean of observed values. |
med_double_to_single_step |
Median value of ratios (t[i+2] - t[i]) / (t[i+2] - t[i+1]). |
med_err |
Median of error estimates. |
n_epochs |
Total number of observed values. |
std_double_to_single_step |
Standard deviation of ratios (t[i+2] - t[i]) / (t[i+2] - t[i+1]). |
std_err |
Standard deviation of the error estimates. |
total_time |
Absolute difference between max and min of time values. |
General |
Description |
amplitude |
Half the difference between the maximum and minimum magnitude. |
anderson_darling |
Anderson-Darling test statistic. |
flux_percentile_ratio_mid20 |
A ratio of ((50+x) flux percentile - (50-x) flux percentile) / (95 flux percentile - 5 flux percentile), where x = percentile_range/2. |
flux_percentile_ratio_mid35 |
A ratio of ((50+x) flux percentile - (50-x) flux percentile) / (95 flux percentile - 5 flux percentile), where x = percentile_range/2. |
flux_percentile_ratio_mid50 |
A ratio of ((50+x) flux percentile - (50-x) flux percentile) / (95 flux percentile - 5 flux percentile), where x = percentile_range/2. |
flux_percentile_ratio_mid65 |
A ratio of ((50+x) flux percentile - (50-x) flux percentile) / (95 flux percentile - 5 flux percentile), where x = percentile_range/2. |
flux_percentile_ratio_mid80 |
A ratio of ((50+x) flux percentile - (50-x) flux percentile) / (95 flux percentile - 5 flux percentile), where x = percentile_range/2. |
max_slope |
Compute the largest rate of change in the observed data. |
maximum |
Maximum observed value. |
median |
Median of observed values. |
median_absolute_deviation |
Median absolute deviation (from the median) of the observed values. |
minimum |
Minimum observed value. |
percent_amplitude |
Returns the largest distance from the median value, measured as a percentage of the median. |
percent_beyond_1_std |
Percentage of values more than 1 std. dev. from the weighted average. |
percent_close_to_median |
Percentage of values within window_frac*(max(x)-min(x)) of median. |
percent_difference_flux_percentile |
Difference between the 95th and 5th percentiles of the data, expressed as a percentage of the median value. See Eyer (2005) arXiv:astro-ph/0511458v1, Evans & Belokurov (2005) (there the 98th and 2nd percentiles are used). |
period_fast |
Fits a simple sinuosidal model |
qso_log_chi2_qsonu |
Natural log of goodness of fit of qso-model given fixed parameters. |
qso_log_chi2nuNULL_chi2nu |
Natural log of expected chi2/nu for non-qso variable. |
shapiro_wilk |
Shapiro-Wilk test statistic. |
skew |
Skewness of a dataset. Approximately 0 for Gaussian data. |
std |
Standard deviation of observed values. |
stetson_j |
Robust covariance statistic between pairs of observations x,y whose uncertainties are dx,dy. If y is not given, calculates a robust variance for x. |
stetson_k |
A robust kurtosis statistic. |
weighted_average |
Arithmetic mean of observed values, weighted by measurement errors. |
weighted_std_dev |
Standard deviation of observed values, weighted by measurement errors. |
Lomb-Scargle (Periodic) |
Description |
fold2P_slope_10percentile |
Get alphath percentile of slopes of period-folded model. |
fold2P_slope_90percentile |
Get alphath percentile of slopes of period-folded model. |
freq1_amplitude1 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_amplitude2 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_amplitude3 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_amplitude4 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_freq |
Get the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_lambda |
Get the regularization parameter of a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_rel_phase2 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_rel_phase3 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_rel_phase4 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq1_signif |
Get the significance (in sigmas) of the first frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_amplitude1 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_amplitude2 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_amplitude3 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_amplitude4 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_freq |
Get the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_rel_phase2 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_rel_phase3 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq2_rel_phase4 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_amplitude1 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_amplitude2 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_amplitude3 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_amplitude4 |
Get the amplitude of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_freq |
Get the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_rel_phase2 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_rel_phase3 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq3_rel_phase4 |
Get the relative phase of the jth harmonic of the ith frequency from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_amplitude_ratio_21 |
Get the ratio of the amplitudes of the first harmonic for the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_amplitude_ratio_31 |
Get the ratio of the amplitudes of the first harmonic for the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_frequency_ratio_21 |
Get the ratio of the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_frequency_ratio_31 |
Get the ratio of the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_model_max_delta_mags |
Largest value minus second largest value of fitted Lomb Scargle model. |
freq_model_min_delta_mags |
Second smallest value minus smallest value of fitted Lomb Scargle model. |
freq_model_phi1_phi2 |
Ratio of distances between the second minimum and first maximum, and the second minimum and second maximum, of the fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_n_alias |
Here we check for “1-day” aliases in ASAS / Deboss sources. |
freq_signif_ratio_21 |
Get the ratio of the significances (in sigmas) of the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_signif_ratio_31 |
Get the ratio of the significances (in sigmas) of the ith and first frequencies from a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_varrat |
Get the fraction of the variance explained by the first frequency of a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
freq_y_offset |
Get the y-intercept of a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
linear_trend |
Get the linear trend of a fitted Lomb-Scargle model. |
medperc90_2p_p |
Get ratio of 90th percentiles of residuals for data folded by twice the estimated period and the estimated period, respectively. |
p2p_scatter_2praw |
Get ratio of variability (sum of squared differences of consecutive values) of folded and unfolded models. |
p2p_scatter_over_mad |
Get ratio of variability of folded and unfolded models. |
p2p_scatter_pfold_over_mad |
Get ratio of median of period-folded data over median absolute deviation of observed values. |
p2p_ssqr_diff_over_var |
Get sum of squared differences of consecutive values as a fraction of the variance of the data. |
scatter_res_raw |
From arXiv 1101_2406v1 Dubath 20110112 paper. |