Extending baselayer

Modifying the Tornado application

A Python function can be specified in the configuration as app.factory, that will be used to create the Tornado application. This is often needed to add additional routes, or do certain setup procedures before the application is run.

The function should have the following argument signature:

def make_app(config, baselayer_handlers, baselayer_settings)

The configuration is passed in as the first parameter, followed by baselayer-handlers (those should be appended to your Tornado handlers, to put in place system endpoints such as logging in). The last argument contains baselayer-specific Tornado configuration.

A typical make_app could be:

from baselayer.app.app_server import MainPageHandler

def make_app(config, baselayer_handlers, baselayer_settings):
       handlers = baselayer_handlers + [
           (r'/my_page', MyPageHandler),
           (r'/.*', MainPageHandler)

       settings = baselayer_settings
           'tornado_config_key': 'tornado_config_value'
       })  # Specify any additional settings here

       app = tornado.web.Application(handlers, **settings)
       return app


Often, values inside your JavaScript code or engineering configuration files (nginx, supervisor, etc.) depend on settings inside config.yaml. To simplify propagating these values, baselayer provides templating functionality, applied to files named *.template, before running the application. The template engine used is Jinja2.

The configuration file is injected into the template, so you can include their values as follows:

The database port is {{ database.port }}.

When you launch the run or run_production targets for baselayer, it will automatically fill out all template files. Alternatively, you can run the templating manually:

./baselayer/tools/fill_conf_values.py --config="config.yaml" static/js/component.jsx.template