
This guide describes how to get a webapp, derived from baselayer, up and running. A simple example of such an application is provides as a template application.

Clone that application, and then proceed with the following instructions.


  • A Python 3.8 or later installation is required.

  • Install the following dependencies: Supervisor, NGINX, PostgreSQL, Node.JS

On macOS

  • Using Homebrew: brew install supervisor postgresql node

    • If you want to use brotli compression with NGINX (better compression rates for the frontend), you can install NGINX with the ngx_brotli module with this command: brew tap denji/nginx && brew install nginx-full --with-brotli. If you already had NGINX installed, you may need to uninstall it first with brew unlink nginx. Otherwise, you can install NGINX normally with brew install nginx.

    • Start the postgresql server:

      • to start automatically at login: brew services start postgresql

      • to start manually: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

  • Using MacPorts: port install nginx +realip postgresql13-server npm7

    • Start the postgresql server: port load postgresql13-server

Port Number Configuration with macOS

The default port number used by the baselayer app is 5000, but this port is not available for use with all operating systems. Port 5000 is not free for the latest macOS version, Monterey.

If 5000 is not available, you will need to modify the config.yaml file to use another port. For example, you may use:

  app: 5700

See below for more information on modifying the baselayer configuration file.

On Linux

  • Using apt-get: sudo apt-get install supervisor postgresql libpq-dev npm nodejs-legacy

    If you want to use brotli compression with NGINX (better compression rates for the frontend), you have to install NGINX and the brotli module from another source with:

    sudo apt remove -y nginx nginx-common nginx-core
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/nginx-mainline -y
    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install -y nginx libnginx-mod-brotli

    Otherwise, you can install NGINX normally with sudo apt-get install nginx.

  • It may be necessary to configure your database permissions: at the end of your pg_hba.conf (typically in /etc/postgresql/13.3/main or /var/lib/pgsql/data), add the following lines and restart PostgreSQL (sudo service postgresql restart or systemctl reload postgresql):

    host template_app template_app localhost trust
    host all postgres localhost trust

    Substitute the correct database name and user, as defined in your config.yaml.

Building the baselayer database

  • Initialize the database with make db_init (also tests that your permissions have been properly configured).

  • Run make to start the server and navigate to localhost:5000. If you have modified the baselayer configuration to use a different app port, you should instead navigate to localhost:PORTNUMBER.


  • Customize config.yaml (see config.yaml.defaults for all options).

    • Always modify secret_key before deployment!

  • If you want other users to be able to log in:

    • Provide Google auth credentials, obtained as described in config.yaml.


Launch the app with make run.

Deployment options

The default configuration file used can be overridden by setting the FLAGS environment variable:

FLAGS="--config=myconfig.yaml" make run